Sonntag, 16. Dezember 2012

Historical Christmas market in Berlin Neukölln

On Saturday, my mother and I went to the historical Christmas market in Berlin Neukölln.
It was warmer and the snow melts this day.  Unfortunately it rains the whole day. Everything was wet and you  walk through puddles.
But we have a lot of fun.

Here are pictures for you

They looks soooooo strange!

Next time I will tell you abaut the christmas market in Berlin Spandau

See you~

Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2012

JuJu's new life first post

Hello Lovelies,

this is my third try to write a blog about my life.
In the past I've been neglecting my blogs. My life turned into a circle and was boring.
But now I changed a bit, I want to enjoy my life. I want to do things and travel a lot.
I’m not an english speaker, my first language is german. Also my english is not good, but I want to improve myself.
So I’m sorry for mistakes and anything ;)

Hallo ihr Lieben,
das ist mein dritter versuch einen Blog über mein Leben zu schreiben. Die letzten habe ich immer wieder vernachlässigt, da mein Leben nicht wirklich interessant war. Aber das soll sich nun ändern. Ich will mehr spannende Sachen unternehmen, etwas von der Welt sehen und verreisen. Den Blog werde ich in englisch/deutsch halten, da ich mein englisch aufbessern möchte. Erschlagt mich also bitte nicht, wenn mein englisch nicht perfekt ist und ich eine menge Fehler mache.

I live in Berlin, the capital town from Germany
In last days, snow is falling the whole day. It surprised me a lot. I can’t remember when we had so many snow in Berlin.
It looks so beautiful, but make a lot of trouble. The S-Bahn moved with delays and I need half an hour longer to work. :(

But then you see the beautiful snow-world and forget the problems.

Isn’t it beautiful?

This is the >Fernsehturm< at Alexanderplatz. Near my work, I see it 4 days a week.

Bye for now ^o^/